Hi Christopher, Sorry it has taken so long for me to write this note to you, I've allowed myself to be consumed by the goings on in my world and your articles may just have shaken me out of that whirlpool I was attempting to paddle through... I've thoroughly enjoyed your articles and they have given me good reason and motivation to re-evaluate my situation in my life and work. I am grateful for the intersection of our lives here on Medium. Like you, I live for photography and I love the story each pixel and grain of silver carries to the viewer's brain. My dilemma is I am somewhat stalled from breaking free of my own issues that have me stuck in a holding pattern while I wait for the universe to reveal to me just how seriously I should take the limitations that feel as though they are fencing me in. I have always been highly motivated to blaze my own trail and the naysayers only added fuel to the causes I was intent on pursuing. (You may already read about the life event that pushed me into the doldrums in the article in my feed entitled "The Day I Didn't Die" in which a hemorrhage in the right side of my brain ruptured causing a rare type of stroke for which there are very few survivors, so I am deeply grateful just to be alive and have retained most of my mental faculties, yet losing the use of my left hand and the capacity to walk very far and on uneven terrain a physicality many types of photos require -- so now I am trying to come to terms with a shorter list of the types of subjects and settings I'm able to photograph. I admire the way you came to begin photographing pretty women, as being a fashion model photographer was my dream when I was younger (Francesco of "Scavullo on Beauty" was my hero, yet beautiful women intimidated me so unfortunately I photographed very few of them, anyway, with your story to inspire me, I plan to come up with a plan to move forward and I'll document it here on Medium. Thank you very much Christopher ! Cheers, Terry (p.s. I have not been able to get the link to your personal domain to connect yet after multiple tries. I own several domains, and getting them all functioning correctly is an occasional time-eater and source of frustration.) -- JTP