In the midst of all these extraordinary weather events we're seeing around the globe, I've had this frightening sense this sure does seem eerily like what climatologists have been saying the planet will be like in ~50 years, or even a little farther in the future if we're lucky. ButIf what we are experiencing is the effect of human-generated climate change, then we really do have to move fast and be the change we wish to see, as Gandhi implored and hold our leaders accountable for doing everything that can possibly be done immediately to slow down this doomsday machine that has already begun accelerating straight toward us and everything we value in our lives; it cannot be turned around -- the best we might do, IF our leaders find the guts and political will to get on-board is slow the momentum to push the doomsday horizion farther out into the future... hmm yea, well maybe I am a Nihilist afterall, and just typing those words depresses me.