frightening mushroom cloud rising in a blood red sky — caused by a nuclear bomb test by the US Military in the western Pacific in 1954
The Castle Bravo nuclear test detonation of the most powerful thermonuclear device ever tested by the United States in 1954 in the N. Pacific, Image source: US Department of Energy, source: Wikimedia Commons

The Nuclear War of 1963


The mushroom cloud rose into a red twilight sky. A warning siren wailed in the distance. It was 1963, I was 5 year old little boy pushing my favorite toy firetruck down the driveway of our brick ranch-style suburban home on the outskirts of Charlotte. I knew what this meant — we’d have to move into the fallout shelter dug into the backyard and remain there for weeks, maybe months, until there was an all-clear siren. We had enough canned foods and…



Terry Pittman (Joseph Terrence Pittman)

I’m a lifelong futurist, creative technologist, photographer & writer: I write about personal and professional experiences, travels and passions